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Sachem Animal Hospital

Feline Hyperthyroidism

Feline hyperthyroidism is a serious condition that occurs in cats. It is a disorder that occurs when the feline thyroid gland produces an excess of thyroid hormone. An excess of thyroid hormone affects all of the cat's organ systems.

Feline hyperthyroidism (or cat hyperthyroidism) occurs in middle aged and senior cats. Both feline sexes and all breeds are equally at risk. Dr. Lissman and Dr. Camay are also the co-founders of Thyro-Cat, Centers for the Treatment of Feline Hyperthyroidism.

The thyroid is butterfly-shaped gland located in the neck region of the cat. Hyperthyroidism is caused by a tumor in this gland that produces excessive amounts of thyroid hormone. Ninety eight percent of these tumors are benign (adenoma) and two percent are cancerous (carcinoma). Seventy percent of cats with thyroid tumors have both lobes of the gland affected.

Symptoms of Feline Hyperthyroidism

Symptoms of thyroid problems in cats may include:

  • weight loss

  • changes in behavior - anxiety or nervousness

  • excessive appetite or decreased appetite

  • increased water intake

  • hyperactivity or lethargy

  • excessive shedding, hair loss (alopecia), poor coat condition

  • diarrhea or vomiting

  • increased urination

  • cardiac symptoms - rapid heart rate, arrhythmia

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your cat and questionable symptoms, please call our office at (866) 467-8228 to schedule an appointment or email us with your concerns.

Cat Hyperthyroidism Treatment at Thyro-Cat - Long Island Feline Hyperthyroidism Treatment Center

There are three ways that hyperthyroid conditions in cats can be treated: medicine, surgery, and radioactive iodine (I-131) therapy. By far, Radioactive Iodine (I-131) Therapy is the treatment of choice.

Medicine: Methimazole is administered daily for the life of the cat. Things to consider are the price, side effects (to the liver and blood system), and maintenance and that it also will not cure your cat of hyperthyroidism. This method also comes with routine blood tests and ongoing therapy adjustments. Yearly cost is approximately $800/yr.

Surgery: Surgery for your cat's hyperthyroidism is another option; however this, too, has its problems. Surgery does require anesthesia for your cat; the surgery is risky; and often might need to be repeated.

Radioiodine (I-131) Therapy: The preferred hyperthyroid treatment therapy among specialists (and the method employed at Thyro-Cat feline hyperthyroid treatment centers) is Radioiodine (I-131) therapy for a number of reasons including the following:

  • Safe and effective

  • Requires one injection just under the skin

  • No anesthesia is required

  • No daily medication

  • Does not have harmful side

  • Is cost effective

  • Corrects thyroid function typically in one month

  • Does not destroy healthy tissue

  • Requires a short 3-day stay after treatment is administered (by law to ensure radiation level is at an acceptable level prior to leaving)

With Thyro-Cat, feline hyperthyroidism treatment for your cat's hyperthyroid condition is just a shot away. Call Thyro-Cat today to learn more about how Thyro-Cat feline hyperthyroidism treatment with Radioiodine (I-131) Therapy can help you and your feline friend.